
Liraglutide, Saxenda and Victoza Pen Shots.

Once-daily Liraglutide Shots (Same Active Ingredient in Saxenda and Victoza Pen): Prescription Injection for Treating Obesity

Liraglutide, Saxenda and Victoza Pen Shots

When Saxenda and Victoza pen seems out of reach, we’ve got you covered with affordable Liraglutide shots.

ozempic weight loss shots
semaglutide ozempic- shots for weight loss

What are Saxenda, Victoza and Liraglutide weight loss shot?


The body naturally produces an appetite hormone known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that helps to regulate hunger

Liraglutide works like GLP-1 by regulating the appetite, which can lead to eating fewer calories and losing weight


Liraglutide brand Saxenda and Victoza pen, made history as the first FDA-approved weight loss injection in 2014. While it belongs to the GLP-1 class of medications.

Liraglutide belong to GLP 1 the same family as Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. It helps patient to lose.

Studies showed Liraglutide shots (active medication in Victoza Pen)  helped patient to lose more than 8% of their weight(16 lb for average 200 lb person).

What is the difference between Saxenda and Victoza pen?


Victoza is a brand of liraglutide used for diabetes, and Saxenda is the brand with a higher dose approved for weight management.

What is Victoza and Saxenda injection site?


Stomach (abdomen), thighs, or in the back of your upper arm.

What is Saxenda dosage for weight loss?


Saxenda or Liraglutide dose starts with 0.6 mg and can be increased by 0.6 mg daily until you reach the highest dose of 3 mg daily.

How can I get online Saxenda prescription?


Schedule a virtual visit with our doctor, and if appropriate, a prescription can be sent.

What is the difference between Saxenda and Wegovy?


Both belong to the same family; while Wegovy is a once-a-week injection, Saxenda is a daily injection. Another difference is that Wegovy is more effective than Saxenda.

What can I do if Saxenda stock is low?


You can get Liraglutide, which is the generic form of Saxenda.

What is the generic Saxenda price without insurance?


The monthly supply for Liraglutide costs *** (our cost for Max dose 3mg daily is 396$).

How much is expected to lose weight on Victoza?


It’s about 10% of your body weight.